Sunday, November 28, 2021

Rediscover the Philippines with fresh eyes and fresh deals!


Despite all that’s happened within three lockdowns, the Philippines still has its gems to boast about. No other country offers paradise culture the way the Philippines does. Even though tourism has been slow during the pandemic, many still continue to rave about their experiences on our shores. Now, it’s time to revisit those charms and welcome back paradise culture with open arms.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Staying Strong with #THENEWBRAVE with Whisper

This pandemic has shaken our world to its core, constantly challenging us in many ways, both as individuals and as a community. The overwhelming effects of this global crisis may seem insurmountable, yet a whisper of hope persists and continues to grow stronger, letting us know this crisis is not impossible to recover from.

Sunday, July 1, 2018


If there's a country that's currently trending on everyone's bucket list right now, it's Iceland. One of the most interesting countries I've even been to, Iceland is by far, the best country I have ever set foot on. This country is more than just the Northern Lights, and if your purpose is only that, then you're going to miss out on so much.